Unable to Locate Scanned Documents


  • Is the scanned document reaching the scans folder on the M-Files Application Server?

oIf not, engage your IT support team to check the scanner/device configuration to resolve any path based, permission based, or connectivity-based issues.

  • Are documents sitting in the Scans Folder AND is Marco’s Barcode solution utilized (Directive Pages)?

oRestarting the Barcode Image Splitter Service should resolve the issue.

  • Is the Scans folder empty after the configuration of the scanner was verified?
  • Check the _Hold folder on the M-Files Application Server to validate scanning worked, but was not imported due to improper assembly
  • This folder will store all failed jobs and include a .txt file (Reason on Hold) outlining why the scan failed to process.
  • Expected Patch Code after the Directive Page

  Batch had a Directive Code Page but No Patch Code Page following the Directive Page.

  • Not enough pages to process based upon Directive
    Batch had a Directive Code Page and Patch Code Page but there were not any additional pages in the batch, or a Double-Sided scan Directive was used, and the scanner detected a blank page.